[Event #1] Navigating Belonging in Hong Kong
Navigating Belonging: Exploring settlement for South Asians in Hong Kong through narrative and participatory photography
What does it mean to belong in Hong Kong?
28 Sep 2021 (Tue)
Christian Action Centre for Refugees, Chungking Mansions
Our very first event was a seminar on the theme of settlement and belonging for South Asians in Hong Kong. We met in Christian Action’s Centre for Refugees, in the Chungking Mansions Support Centre, on 28 September 2021 to discuss a proposal for a project to be led by James Simpson (HKUST) called ‘Navigating Belonging: Narratives of Settlement for South Asians in Hong Kong.’ The event’s purpose was to shape the research questions and methodology for the project to come, and to clarify the hoped-for outputs.
At our seminar we explored the central themes of the project, around the notion of belonging, how we relate to the concept, and how South Asians in Hong Kong (including new arrivals) understand their belonging and settlement. These themes are inspired by James’ experience as a new arrival in Hong Kong himself, and his earlier research in India. South Asians in Hong Kong are subject to many of the social inequalities associated with being minoritized: we hope that the study of how different generations understand and navigate their settlement and belonging – from their perspective – will help inform policy on social integration.
Participants were from a range of NGOs, third sector organisations and universities, and included students, academics, community activists, creative practitioners and other supporters. The success of the seminar inspired us to set up the Belonging Research Network and establish a regular series of events.
James SIMPSON is the Convenor of the Belonging Research Network and is an Associate Professor in the Division of Humanities at Hong Kong University of Science & Technology.
Event Handouts, Materials & Recommended Readings
1. | Discussion summary handout | Simpson, James. (2021, 28 September). A Collective Mind Map on ‘Belonging’. Handout |
2. | Book | Probyn, E. (1996). Outside Belongings. Routledge. |
3. | Book | Yuval-Davis, N. (2011). The Politics of Belonging: Intersectional Contestations. Sage. |
4. | Book | Moore, E., Bradley, J. & Simpson, J. (2020). Translanguaging as Transformation: The Collaborative Construction of New Linguistic Realities. Multilingual Matters. |
5. | Journal article | Lähdesmäki, T., Saresma, T., Hiltunen, K., Jäntti, S., Sääskilahti, N., Vallius, A. & Ahvenjärvi, K. (2016). Fluidity and flexibility of ‘‘belonging’’. Acta Sociologica, 59(3), 233-247. |
6. | Journal article | Frimberger, K., White, R. & Ma, L. (2017) ‘If I didn’t know you what would you want me to see?’: Poetic mappings in neo-materialist research with young asylum seekers and refugees. Applied Linguistics Review, 9 (2-3), 391-419. |

The very first seminar, led by Prof Simpson, in the form of a stakeholders meet up

The ideas and implications of belonging as documented by the stakeholders attending the first seminars

The ideas and implications of belonging as documented by the stakeholders attending the first seminars